Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Minutes of the July 16 Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 9:50 (5 minutes past Rene's bedtime, hence the grumpiness)

In attendance were:
Ray P
Joel K
John S
Rene P

President's Report - None
Vice President's Report - John is working on reinstating our incorporation status.
Treasurer's Report - Not Present
Secretary's Report - Rene reported on the new blog and all present discussed it's usefulness.

In social news those present discussed a White Sox outing. John has committed to organize this and dates in late August or September are being considered.

The Zoo Stagger was discussed and it has been decided that since Melissa originally wanted to organize it she gets first dibs. If she chooses not to Joel will plan it for early October.

Ray brought up, and it was agreed that on account of the change of ownership of the Mayflower, that a phone call should be made to ensure our usual reservation for the Millard Filmore Trip.

There was really no old business.

New Business:

Rene is going to start an account on Cafepress.com so that members may purchase Suds Logo shirts and promotional type items if they desire. If you are not familiar with Cafepress it is a website where designers can upload their graphics for sale on t-shirts, mugs, mouse pads and numerous other things. There are different types of accounts but, at least for the time being Suds will have the type called "free". Cafepress does not print anything till an order is placed, so there is no inventory or hassle. The store should be up and ready within the next month or so.

Those present also discussed the possibility of an actual website. The blog is easy, but why not have a website, right! John is looking into it a little. Please leave domain name ideas in the comments of this post.

The meeting was closed around 9:40

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