Sunday, August 17, 2008

Baseball Drinking Game


During my first year of college, I became a bit of an alcoholic. I found myself coming up with excuses to drink, and I found that the best way to do so was to invent drinking games for every single thing on TV! There’s The State of the Union drinking, wrestling drinking, basketball drinking, and Friends drinking, amongst many others. But I, along with a friend, who goes by the name of "Steve," put the time into one particular TV drinking game to fully develop it into a flawless time period of getting completely hammered. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Drinking Baseball!

Single - 1 shot
Double - 2 shots
Triple - 3 shots
Home Run - 4 shots + 1 for every person on base
Out of the Stadium Home Run - 7 shots
Grand Slam - 2 beers + 2 inning grace period
Strike Out - 2 shots
Walk/Passed ball - free pass for whenever
Out - 1 per
Run - 1 shot
Sacrifice - 2 shots
Hit By Pitch - 4 shots
Foul Out - 2 shots
Double Play - 2 shots
Triple Play - 6 shots
Wild Pitch/Passed Ball - 4 shots
Stolen Base - 2 shots
Caught Stealing - 3 shots
Full Count on Batter - 2 shots
Pick off - 2 shots + number of base player is on
Each consecutive foul ball after the fifth in a row - 2 shots
1-2-3 Inning - 5 shots
Coaching visit - 4 shots
Defensive substitute/pitching change - 3 shots per switch
Inside the Park - shotgun 1
Fan Hit By Ball or Bat - 6 shots
Ejection - chug 1
Off the Foul Post Home Run - chug 1
Cycle - chug 2
Brawl - chug until fight stops
No-Hitter - chug 2
Perfect Game - shotgun 2
Batting Around – shotgun 1

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