Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Election Time Again!

There is just something lovely about this photo of Ellen holding briefs with the word "Vote" on the bum. I don't know why, but it fills me with peace!


Anyway, we forgot to hold nominations last month. So, we did it this month and will vote at the April meeting. Nominations are open until April 14, so if you would like to nominate someone please contact me at renepaquin@sbcglobal.net.

New board members will take their positions in July, and the new president will appoint their cabinet at that time. Who knew "Ski Racing" would ever be a cabinet position!?

Bob M
Mary Z accepted
John S
Melissa R
Rene P accepted
Vice President
John S
Ray P accepted
Rene P accepted
Ray P accepted
Rene P accepted
John S

If you have been nominated let me know if you accept the nomination no later than April 16. Thanks!

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